There is water on the floor
Too much detergent has Measure detergent
been used. according to the
manufacturer’s instructions.
An unsuitable detergent Use a suitable washing
has been used that machine detergent.
creates too much foam.
One of the connectors on Check that the hose is
the water inlet hose is firmly screwed on at both
leaking. ends.
The drain pump has not Fully screw the pump into
been properly screwed on place.
after cleaning.
The cap on the emergency Replace the cap on the
emptying hose has not been emergency emptying hose
replaced after cleaning the after cleaning the pump.
Something not working?
The door will not open
Possible cause
The programme is still Wait until the end of the
running and the drum programme before opening
is turning. the door.
The water level is above the Before opening the door,
bottom edge of the door. the water must be emptied
The machine is heating the Wait until the end of the
water or drying the heating or drying phase.
In any case to open the
door the DOOR light must
The display shows the
alarm code EF
The water safety system Switch the machine off,
starts working to prevent close the inlet pipe, and
any flooding. call the Service Force
The machine vibrates or is
The transit bolts have Check that the machine
not been removed. has been unpacked as
described in the Installation
The feet have not been Carefully level the machine.
There is little laundry in Correct operation of the
the drum. machine is not affected.
132988621.qxd 11/01/2005 17:13 Pagina 40