Manual abstract:
This period of time may vary, however, and it is important to follow the instructions on the individual packets. TURNING OFF THE REFRIGERATOR If the
refrigerator is not to be used for some time: 1. Set any switches to 0. 2. Set the gas valve (D) to q. 3. Shut off any on-board valve in the gas line to the
refrigerator. 4. Empty the refrigerator. Defrost and clean it as described earlier.
Leave the doors of the refrigerator and the frozen food compartment ajar. Use the travel catch to hold in this position. 5. When the vehicle is laid up for a
long period of time (e.g.
during the winter months), we suggest fitting the winter covers WA 120, fig. 2, onto the vent grills. ICE MAKING It is practical to make ice during the night -
then the refrigerator is less demanded and the cooling unit has more reserves. Fill the ice tray to just below the brim with drinking water and place it on the
freezer shelf. To speed up the ice making, one can spill one or two spoonfuls of water on the freezer shelf to improve the contact to the ice tray.
If you have more than one ice tray it is a good idea to make ice in advance and save the frozen trays in the frozen food compartment. IF THE `FRIDGE FAILS
TO WORK Check the following points before calling a service technician: 1. That the STARTING THE REFRIGERATOR instructions have been followed. 2.
The refrigerator is level. 3. If it is possible to start the refrigerator on any of the connected sources of energy. 4. If the refrigerator fails to work on gas, check:
q That the gas bottle is not empty. q That all LP-gas valves are open.
5. If the refrigerator fails to work on 12 V, check: q That the 12 V supply is connected to the refrigerator. q That the fuse on the 12 V supply is intact. q That
the 12 V switch is on. 6. If the refrigerator fails to work on 230 V, check: q That the 230 V supply is connected to the refrigerator. q That the fuse is intact. If
the refrigerator is not cold enough it may be because: 1. The ventilation is inadequate owing to reduced area of the ventilation passages (partial blockage of
grilles from wire mesh etc). 9 DEFROSTING Frost will gradually accumulate on the refrigerating surfaces.
It must not be allowed to grow too thick as it acts as an insulator and adversely affects refrigerator performance. Check the formation of frost regularly every
week and when it gets about 3 mm thick, defrost the refrigerator. To defrost the `fridge, turn it off and remove the ice tray and all food items. Warning:
normally the temperature of items of fozen foods would rise unduly during defrosting and so they should be consumed within 24 h or discarded. Do not try to
accelerate defrosting by using any kind of heating appliance, as this might damage the plastic surfaces of the refrigerator.
Neither should any sharp objects be used to scrape off the ice. The defrost water runs from a collector channel to a receptacle at the rear of the refrigerator
where it evaporates. Defrost water in the freezer compartment should be mopped up with a cloth. When the ice has melted, wipe the refrigerator dry and
restart it. Place the food items back inside but wait until the refrigerator is cold before making ice cubes.
2. The evaporator is frosted up. 3. The temperature control setting is incorrect. 4. The gas pressure is incorrect - check the pressure regulator at the gas
container. 5. The ambient temperature is too high. 6. To much food is loaded at one time.
7 . The door is not properly closed or the magnetic sealing strip is defective. 8. More than one source of energy is used at the same time. If the refrigerator
still does not work properly, call a service technician. TECHNICAL DATA RM 4180/ 81 mm mm mm mm Overall dimensions, refrigerator Height 592 Width
401 Depth (incl. cooling unit) without door .427 with door 461 Build-in dimensions Height 595 mm Width 405 mm Depth 440 mm Capacity gross net The
sealed cooling system must not be opened, since it is under high pressure. . 40 .
37 lit. lit. kg Weight (without packaging) . 18 MAINTENANCE Concerning gas- and electric installations, only authorized experts are allowed to carry out
maintenance and repair works..
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