n the United Kingdom, the plug or circuit to the refrigerator
ust be fitted with a fuse not greater than 5 amps. If a 13
mp.(B.S.1363) fused plug is used, it should be fitted with a
amp. fuse. In other countries, the fuse rating will depend
pon the voltage and local practice.
30 V Supplies.
heck that the voltage stated on the data plate is the same
s the mains voltage in use (230 V).
2 V and "D
" Connection
he 12 V connection of the refrigerator is shown in fig. 10.
he (+12V) and (-) pole have to be connected directly to the
uxiliary (house) battery. Do not use the chassis for the
eturn lead. The battery cable must not be connected to a
oltage controller or similar device as the AES itself moni-
ors the battery voltage. A relay cutting out 12 V operation
hen the ignition key is turned off, is not recommended.
ll splices should be screwed or soldered to keep voltage
rop to a minimum. The positive conductor must be protec-
ed by a 16 A fuse.
he connection D
(alternator) has to be connected to
he corresponding outlet of the vehicles electrical
ross- sections
he D
(alternator) connection does not carry high current,
herefore it is no need to use a high cross- section cable.
or the 12 V (+) and (-) leads, we recommend a 6 mm
ire. Up to a length a 5 m, 4 mm
might be sufficient as
f a bulb has to be replaced, proceed as follows:
. Remove cover of the lamp.
. Put a small screw driver between the case of the lamp
and the lamp cover and remove lamp cover.
. Turn bulb socle for 90 degrees and remove it.
. Put in new buld and turn it again for 90 degrees.
. Install lamp cover on the lamp case.
Electrical leads must be routed and secured so that
they cannot come into contact with hot or sharp parts
of the refrigerator.
Please consult a specialist, if you are not familiar with
the 12 V electrical system in your motorhome.