The leash allows you to grab a distant enemy and yank them toward you. Once the enemy is dragged up
close, they are suspended briefly in slow motion so you can utilize your weapons or melee attacks. The leash
can even be used to setup complicated Skillshots, pull levers, yank down debris, or pull enemies directly into
environmental hazards.
By earning Skillpoints, the leash can be upgraded with the Thumper functionality. Utilizing it smashes the
ground, launching standard enemies into the air with extreme force. Larger opponents will be slammed to
the ground and stunned.
Note: In Multiplayer mode, once you use the leash, the blue meter displays the recharge time.
In-game military supply boxes are known as Dropkits. These are scattered throughout the world. If you see a
Dropkit, leash it to gain access to the Dropshop, Skillshot Database, and player stats.
The Dropshop is where you go to spend your skillpoints to buy ammunition and upgrades or unlock earned
weapons. Every upgrade makes you more deadly. Gain more powerful weapons. Perform increasingly lethal
Skillshots. Earn more points and keep your kill count rising. Check here often for new available upgrades!
Skillshot Database
View information on Skillshots by looking at the Skillshot Database in the Skillshots menu.
Player Statistics
Go here to view your statistics for killing with skill!
Resume Return to the game in progress.
Restart Checkpoint Restart the current level from the last checkpoint.
Restart Chapter Restart the current level from the beginning.
Options Change in-game options.
Change Difficulty Change your difficulty setting on the fly.
Exit to Main Menu Leave the game.
Continue Continue Bulletstorm from your previously saved progress.
New Game Begin a new game.
Chapter Select Select a mission.
If you want the joy of the Bulletstorm experience in a pure competitive form, check out Echoes mode. Here, you
take a stab at getting the number one spot on the leaderboards, or beating a friend’s high score. Echoes give
you a chance to put your skills to the test in short gameplay segments where you start by choosing a custom
weapon loadout. Once started, kill with skill to rack up some major Skillpoints. As you complete stages in
Echoes, more stages unlock.
If you want to enjoy the Bulletstorm experience in co-operative form, check out the four-player Multiplayer
mode, Anarchy. Kill with skill to top the scoreboard, purchase weapon upgrades, and get Team Skillshots to
move through waves and dominate each map! The completionist in you will love the XP and ranking system,
which allows you to unlock custom skins for your character, and show off to your friends.
Select DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT to view or purchase further content for Bulletstorm.
Select OPTIONS from the main menu to change settings within the game and view the controls.
Game Toggle subtitles, aim assist, and other options.
Controls Toggle crouch and look inversion, adjust controller sensitivity, or view controller layouts.
Video Adjust visual options.
Audio Adjust the SFX, music, and voice volume.
Credits View the staff roll.