Combat Tips
Combat tips from Mass Effect 3’s gameplay team.
Cerberus Defense Cerberus uses mobile defenses. Find and destroy the portable generators
that power their shield pylons and cover nodes.
Combat Rolls Use combat rolls to get quickly in and out of cover.
Headshots Headshots inflict superior damage on most targets.
Heavy Melee Heavy melee is an effective attack against unarmored or
unshielded enemies.
Higher Ground Watch out for opponents on higher ground! Elevated enemies can shoot
you even in cover.
Barrier Engine Reaper troops protect themselves by deploying barrier generators called
Barrier Engines. Target these first.
Suppress Shields Keep firing and unleashing powers to prevent enemy shields
from regenerating.
Squad Bonus Squadmates do more damage when ordered to attack a specific target.
Squad Configuration Choosing the right squad to complement Shepard’s strengths and
weaknesses is key. Experiment with squad configurations.
Enemy Tips
Enemy tips from Mass Effect 3’s gameplay team.
Atlas The Atlas is a hulking death machine with powerful armor, shields, and
weapons. Shatter the canopy to expose the pilot.
Banshee Stop a Banshee when she becomes charged by damaging her while she uses
biotic jumps to close in.
Brute Don’t let a Brute get close! Brutes are vicious opponents that can instantly
kill you.
Cannibal Cannibals form armored plating by reclaiming fallen Cannibals and Husks.
Shooting these plates deals no damage to the Cannibal until they are blown off.
Centurion Centurions deploy smoke screens to conceal their movement. See through this
by equipping a sniper rifle with certain scope mods.
Engineer Pick off engineers before they set up armored turrets or repair a
damaged Atlas.
Geth Hunter A cloaked Geth Hunter moves through the field virtually undetected, allowing
them to flank with powerful plasma-shotguns. Take out their shields to disable
their cloaking ability.
Geth Prime Use Sabotage on a Geth Prime to hack its drones and turrets.
Geth Pyro Geth Pyros have flamethrowers that burn enemies at close range. Target their
fuel tanks and use Overload and Sabotage.
Guardian Guardian shields block powers, shots, and melee. To kill a Guardian, stagger
them with Throw or Concussive Shot or use Pull to tear away their shields.
Flanking them also works.