EMC Fibre Channel Storage Systems Configuration Planning Guide
iDAEstorage system 5-16
high availability
options for unshared storage 5-13
shared switched instllation 1-10
host, see also server
host-bus adapter (HBA), introduced 1-4
host-bus adapter driver package 1-4
hot spare
defined 2-9
sample applications 2-20
when to use 2-18
description 1-8
planning system with 5-29
sample hardware worksheet 5-34
iDAE storage systems
dimensions 5-16
site requirements 5-16
weight 5-16
image, disk, defined 2-2
individual access array, see RAID 5 Group
individual disk unit
defined 2-9
disk space usage 2-16
performance 2-14
sample applications 2-20
when to use 2-18
installation types 1-10
tradeoffs 5-11
intelligent Disk Array Enclosure (iDAE), see
iDAE storage systems
interconnect components 5-1
cables, hubs, switches 1-4
interface kit, see host-bus adapter driver package
LCC (link control card) 5-8
logical volume, see file system
LUN (logical unit)
individual disk, defined 2-9
RAID 0, defined 2-8
RAID 1 mirrored pair 2-7
RAID 1/0 Group
defined 2-8
RAID 3 Group, defined 2-5
RAID 5 Group, defined 2-4
shared storage, examples 3-3
disk mirror, defined 2-2
in RAID Group 2-3
number on worksheet 3-8, 3-15, 4-13, 4-14
paths to 3-2, 4-2
planning 3-6
RAID types
compared 2-12
guidelines 2-17
sample applications 2-19
SP control of 5-10
unshared storage
examples 4-2
unshared, examples 4-2
worksheets 3-13, 4-10, 4-12
Manager utility 6-2
manual, about 1-xi
MIA (media interface adapter), about 1-5
mirrored pair, see RAID 1 mirrored pair
mirrored RAID 0 Group, see RAID 1/0 Group
mirroring, defined 2-2
Navisphere Manager utility 6-2
node, defined 1-3
nonredundant array, see also RAID 0 Group
operating system
device name for disk unit 4-15
device name for LUN 3-16
software mirroring 2-2
optical cable, types and sizes 5-22
organization of manual xii