
Data processing power is moving from the special-
ized environment of the computer room to the office
and the factory floor.
At the same time, the applications are growing expo-
nentially. From yesterday’s spreadsheets and word
processors, micro- to mid-range computers control
LANs and WANs, manage complex telecommunica-
tions systems, optimize manufacturing processes and
facilitate sophisticated testing and laboratory func-
Computers and sensitive electronics tend to be
grouped, often in specialized rooms. This makes
operation and service easier, but it also creates the
need for precision environmental control—the coordi-
nated management of temperature, humidity and air
Challenger 3000 provides the precision and flexibil-
ity required by a broad range of applications.
Microprocessor-based controls (with a choice of
monitoring systems based on your needs) allow
you to select temperature and humidity ranges.
A-frame coil (oriented to airflow) provides a large
cooling surface area, and more precise control of
temperature and humidity.
Though electronic equipment rooms share some com-
mon protection requirements, their application
requirements can vary greatly. The room may or may
not have a raised floor or an existing heat rejection
loop. Budget and space requirements may limit the
options a contractor has.
The Challenger 3000 is available in 10 different con-
figurations, with upflow and downflow air distribu-
tion options.
The Challenger 3000 occupies 7 square feet
(.65 square meters) of floor space. It can be located in
a corner of the room or against a wall, as all service
access is from the front of the unit. With room floor
space valued at a premium per square foot, the small
footprint of the Challenger 3000 makes economic
good sense.
GLYCOOL is a patented Liebert process that can sig-
nificantly reduce energy costs during periods of low
outdoor ambient temperatures.
The GLYCOOL system is a normal glycol system
with the addition of a second cooling coil in the air
handling unit and a three-way valve. During colder
months, the glycol solution returning from the out-
door drycooler is routed to the second coil, and
becomes the primary source of cooling for the room.
At ambient temperatures below 35°F (1.6°C), the
cooling capacity is sufficient to handle the total cool-
ing needs of the room. As the compressor is responsi-
ble for the majority of the power consumption of the
air conditioning unit, a GLYCOOL system can sub-
stantially reduce energy costs.
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