
Electrical Connections 3098 Technical Manual
3.4 Use with Signal Converters and Flow Computers
The meter can be operated in two general environments, either in SAFE AREAS or in HAZARDOUS AREAS. When
used in hazardous areas, safety barriers or galvanic isolators MUST be placed between the meter and the signal
converter/flow computer.
When operating in a safe area with a 3-wire system, the line resistance between meter and signal converter must be
greater than 40 ohms. This can be achieved by placing a suitable resistor in the line or by using the inherent resistance of
the cable used (if the resistance per km and length of cable used is sufficient).
Given these conditions, we recommend that the maximum cable length between the 3098 and signal converter - assuming
a BS5308 standard cable - is 2km.
For details of hazardous area installations, please refer to safety instructions (30985018/SI).
For the purposes of clarity, all wiring diagrams describing a ‘Safe Area’ setup using the 3-wire system have had a
40 ohm resistor placed into the +24V power supply line.