
38 Micro Motion 7829 Viscomaster
and Viscomaster Dynamic
Viscosity Meters
Using ADView and ProLink II
4. When the installation program starts, you will be asked to supply your name and company
name for registration purposes, and supply a directory path into which ADView’s files can be
loaded (a default directory path will be suggested).
5. Follow the installation instructions until installation is complete. It will normally only take a
few minutes. You can abandon the installation if you need to do so.
4.1.3 Starting ADView
Start the ADView software by navigating through the Start Menu to the program entry of ADView 6.
Left-click on it once and the window shown below will then appear.
Note: Developments in ADView may mean that the screen shots differ slightly from the ones you will see on
your PC screen.
Each of the six icons gives you access to the various facilities of ADView. You can choose to connect
a Modbus device to one of the PC’s serial ports, or you can use ADView’s built-in simulation of the