Softing Linking Device –
Manual for Configuration, Installation and Maintenance
Linking Device FG-110 FF - Internal Web Server
V1.31 page 25 of 85 <Configuration><Settings><Internet Protocol>
The Linking Device is delivered in a default configuration. To change the default internet
protocol settings into assigned values of the chosen subnet in which the installation is
running you click <Configuration><Internet Protocol>.
A table which enables you to change settings appears.
First you can click a button to <obtain an IP address from a DHCP server>. When you click
this button the IP address is a random address chosen from the DHCP server. To find out
the IP address of the Linking Device you can use the tool “Search and Configure” (SAG.exe)
or the live list of the FF-CONF tool. Both tools are available on the CD-ROM or on the
Softing homepage.
Fig 4.5-1 Configure the Internet Protocol
To keep the systems under your control click the button <Specify an IP address>.
Underneath this button input fields become active to insert:
● Domain name: configurable name for the domain
● IP address: must be compatible with the subnet you choose for the PC setting, must
be present in any case.
● Net mask: default with, no change needed, must be present in any
● Gateway: It is not necessary to configure a Default Gateway if the host and Linking
Device share the same network.
● Maintenance IP address: IP address of the connected PC in the same subnet.
The Maintenance IP Address is required to download the Linking Device firmware
from a maintenance server. The maintenance server is a TFTP server (Tiny File
Transfer Protocol) that contains an image of the flash memory content of the Linking
Device (it is also possible to download a file via the website). In that case it is not
necessary to install a maintenance server and to specify its address.