MAN-0076 Rev 05 Millennium II
December 07, 2012
Net Safety Monitoring Inc
SECTION 3: Transmitter and faceplate description
3.1 Transmitter Power Up
After power is applied to the transmitter, a warm-up routine will begin, the duration of which depends on the sensor
type. The display will indicate the sensor warming up and the Status LED will flash Slow Red and current output will
be 3.0mA. After the warm-up period, the transmitter will enter normal operation and the screen will display:
“Channel 1 00 %LEL (or PPM), Channel 2 00 %LEL (or PPM).” For dual channel models either channel can
be disabled if not in use. If a channel is disabled, the screen will display: “Disabled” for that particular channel. The
enabled channel analog output will be to 4.0 mA during normal operation.
Figure 14: Faceplate description
Note: A slow flash is defined as the Status LED being ‘ON’ for 50 milli-seconds and ‘OFF’ for 1 second, while a fast
flash is the LED being ‘ON’ for 250 milli-seconds and ‘OFF’ for 250 milli-seconds and a very fast flash is the LED
‘ON’ for 50 milli-seconds and ‘OFF’ for 50 milli-seconds.
3.2 Display
The Millennium II is equipped with an Organic LED (O LED) display. It allows the user to see the concentration of
gas present for each individual channel and the various options offered. The display has a wide temperature rating and
will operate well in lowly lit conditions. In order to extend the life of the display, a screen saver is enabled if the menu
is not in use. To exit the screen saver mode, move the magnet close to any of the three Reed switch locations (8 o’
clock, 6 o’ clock or 4 o’ clock position). See Figure 14 and Figure 15.