UM1M820BNA User Instructions
Issue AH, March 4, 2013 Spec No. 1M820BNA (Model M820B)
Spec No. 1M820DNA (Model M820D)
100 Chapter 3. Local Display Menus
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Temp Comp Clamp: Enables or disables the temperature compensation voltage clamp
Temp Comp Max V: Upper voltage limit where battery temperature compensation clamps
the voltage.
Temp Comp Min V: Lower voltage limit where battery temperature compensation clamps
the voltage.
Capacity Menu
Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Settings / Battery / Capacity
Note: For WEB Interface; menu items are found under Device Information / Battery Group /
Settings Tab.
"Capacity" Parameter Settings:
Charging Eff: Value used to calculate remaining capacity of the battery.
Time 0.1C10: Discharge time with a discharge current of 0.1C10.
Time 0.2C10: Discharge time with a discharge current of 0.2C10.
Time 0.3C10: Discharge time with a discharge current of 0.3C10.
Time 0.4C10: Discharge time with a discharge current of 0.4C10.
Time 0.5C10: Discharge time with a discharge current of 0.5C10.
Time 0.6C10: Discharge time with a discharge current of 0.6C10.
Time 0.7C10: Discharge time with a discharge current of 0.7C10.
Time 0.8C10: Discharge time with a discharge current of 0.8C10.
Time 0.9C10: Discharge time with a discharge current of 0.9C10.
Time 1.0C10: Discharge time with a discharge current of 1.0C10.
Battery # Menu
Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Settings / Battery / Battery #
Note: For WEB Interface; menu items are found under Device Information / Battery Group / Battery
# / Settings Tab.
"Battery #" Parameter Settings:
Rated Capacity: Enter the battery string’s rated capacity.
Shunt Current: Enter the battery string’s shunt current rating.
Shunt Voltage: Enter the battery string’s shunt voltage rating.
BattFuseUnit Menu
Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Settings / BattFuseUnit
Note: For WEB Interface; menu items are found under Device Information / Battery Fuse Group /
Battery Fuse Unit / Settings Tab.
"BattFuseUnit" Parameter Settings:
Num of Bat Fuse: Designates the number of battery fuses in the system.
DC Menu
Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Settings / DC
Note: For WEB Interface; menu items are found under Device Information / DC / Settings Tab.