BACnet Communications - UPS Systems
Modbus/BACnet IP 310
Table 104 Liebert APS
- Multistate Data
Data Label
Object Type Instance Object Name Access Notes
Server Class MultiState_Value 1 4553_1 RD
1 = UPS
2 = AIR
3 = PMP
4 = PDU
Bypass Qualification Status MultiState_Value 12 4737_1 RD
1 = Fail
2 = Marginal Low
3 = Normal
4 = Marginal High
UPS Battery Status MultiState_Value 23 4871_1 RD
1 = Unknown
2 = Normal
3 = Low
4 = Depleted
Battery is MultiState_Value 24 5799_1 RD
1 = fully charged
2 = charging
3 = discharging
4 = not charging
(charger off)
Automatic Battery Test MultiState_Value 25 5803_1 RW
1 = disabled
2 = enabled
Auto Battery Test Interval MultiState_Value 26 5805_1 RW
1 = 8 weeks
2 = 12 weeks
3 = 16 weeks
4 = 20 weeks
5 = 26 weeks
Manual Battery Test MultiState_Value 27 5858_1 WO 1 = Start Test
Output Qualification Status MultiState_Value 38 4744_1 RD
1 = Fail
2 = Marginal Low
3 = Normal
4 = Marginal High
Inverter On/Off State MultiState_Value 49 4746_1 RD
1 = off
2 = on
System Set To Operate With MultiState_Value 50 5820_1 RW
1 = No Redundancy
2 = Redundancy
System Status
UPS Output Source MultiState_Value 61 4872_1 RD
1 = Other
2 = Off
3 = Normal
4 = Bypass
5 = Battery
6 = Booster
7 = Reducer
System Status MultiState_Value 62 4123_1 RD
1 = Normal Operation
2 = StartUp
3 = Normal with Warning
4 = Normal with Alarm
5 = Abnormal Operation
Auto Restart MultiState_Value 63 5831_1 RW
1 = disabled
2 = enabled