MVME7100 Single Board Computer Installation and Use (6806800E08A)
MOTLoad Firmware Using the Command Line Interface
6.4 Using the Command Line Interface
Interaction with MOTLoad is performed via a command line interface through a serial port on
the single board computer, which is connected to a terminal or terminal emulator (for example,
Window’s Hypercomm). The default MOTLoad serial port settings are: 9600 baud, 8 bits, no
testRamBounce RAM Bounce
testRamCodeCopy RAM Code Copy and Execute
testRamEccMonitor Monitor for ECC Errors
testRamMarch RAM March
testRamPatterns RAM Patterns
testRamPerm RAM Permutations
testRamQuick RAM Quick
testRamRandom RAM Random Data Patterns
testRtcAlarm RTC Alarm
testRtcReset RTC Reset
testRtcRollOver RTC Rollover
testRtcTick RTC Tick
testSerialExtLoop Serial External Loopback
testSeriallntLoop Serial Internal Loopback
testStatus Display the Contents of the Test Status Table
testSuite Execute Test Suite
testSuiteMake Make (Create) Test Suite
testWatchdogTimer Tests the Accuracy of the Watchdog Timer Device
tftpGet TFTP Get
tftpPut TFTP Put
time Display Date and Time
transparentMode Transparent Mode (Connect to Host)
tsShow Display Task Status
upLoad Up Load Binary Data from Target
version Display Version String(s)
vmeCfg Manages user specified VME configuration parameters
vpdDisplay VPD Display
vpdEdit VPD Edit
wait Wait for Test Completion
waitProbe Wait for I/O Probe to Complete
Table 6-1 MOTLoad Commands (continued)
Command Description