6 - 42
NGA 2000
90003749(1) [NGA-e (Software CLD 2.3/MLT 3.1.X)] 04/98
Main Menu — Technical level configuration
Diagnostic menus
Analyzer module diagnostics
Start up analyzer
In the menu "Analyzer start up" you will find the actual and target temperatures of the
converter and of the detector block. Besides, you can reboot the analyzer module and re-
initialize the EPROM in this menu:
1) Reboot:
• To restart the analyzer you have to press the F3 key.
• This reboot will start your analyzer in the same way as you do by switching on.
• If you flow the analyzer with zero gas during this time: The NO signal should be "0".
2) Re-initializing of the EPROM:
• If you press the F4 key you will update the EPROM data.
• Caution:
The analyzer will go back to the default values using this function !
After that you have to do a new start up, completely !
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
95.0 ppm
Analyzer start up
(Press INIT to re-initialize the EEPROM data)
Sensor temperature: 27.0 C
Detector block temperature: 50.3 C
Target temperature: 51.5 C
Converter temperature: 302.0 C
Target temperature: 300.0 C
Analyzer state: STANDBY Diagnostic Menus
Analyzer start up