DC MentorPak
Definition - DC StandardPak Order Code Configurator
Item Description
Enclosure Style
P = Panel
E = Enclosure
P = Panel allows additional options to be added to the Quantum III module.
E = The enclosure option is a UL1 rated, ventilated Nema -12 (PPBF), positive pressure blown and filtered.
14 gauge steel enclosure.
Drive Type
N = Non-regenerative
R = Regenerative
N for Non-regenerative DC drive or R for Regenerative DC drive. Regenerative provides FWD and REV direction with a
controlled braking action. Non-Regenerative is unidirectional and will have a coast to a stop action,
unless dynamic braking is used.
Voltage Rating
8 = 208 VAC
2 = 240 VAC
3 = 380 VAC
4 = 480 VAC
240 VAC for 240 VDC motor armature.
480 VAC for 500 VDC motor armature.
Drive Amp Rating - Armature Motor hp ratings are based on typical motor current ratings. Actual motor currents and the type of applications should
be reviewed before selecting drive size.
Dynamic Braking (DB)
A = AC Input Contactor
B = DC Contactor with DB pole
QuantumPak supplied with DC contactor (B), MentorPak supplied with AC contactor (A) as standard. Consult Factory
for drives 210A or above with DC contactor.
A = AC Input Contactor (210-825A)
B = DC Contactor with DB pole (38-172A)
Input Power Disconnect
0 = None
1 = Circuit breaker (CB)
2 = Non-fused disconnect (NFD)
1 – CB with through the door operator, Thermal-magnetic overload protection and main circuit disconnect.
Includes drive input semiconductor fuses.
2 – NFD with through the door operator, main circuit disconnect. Includes drive input
semiconductor fuses.
Item Description
Blower Motor Starter
1 to 7
Select the correct blower motor amps. The value must be selected to complete
the Order Code for order entry.
Door Mounted Devices
E = E-Stop, Start PB, Stop PB, Speed Pot
F = Fwd/Rev Switch
H = HOA Selector Switch
J = Jog PB
K = Keypad (CTVue-303)
P = Drive Power “ON” PL
R = Reset PB
V = Analog Armature Ammeter & Voltmeter
W = Analog Field Ammeter & Voltmeter
To meet UL508A for industrial locations the E-Stop push button is required with door mounted devices.
E = E-Stop, Start, & Stop Push buttons, Speed Potentiometer
F = Forward / Reverse Switch - FWD/REV Selector Switch applies to regenerative drives only.
H = Hand (Manual) - Off - Automatic Switch
J = Jog Push button
K – Keypad (CTVUE-303 with standard program, mounted and wired on the door)
P = Drive Power “ON” pilot light indicates drive running.
R = Drive can be reset by means of the door mounted push button (PB), Remote (PB) or (PB) on the cover of the drive.
V = Analog Armature Ammeter (150%) & Voltmeter (100%).
W = Analog Field Ammeter (100%) & Voltmeter (100%)
Encoder Cable
Y = Encoder cable
The drive has a DB9 connector for encoder feedback. The encoder cable is supplied with the DB9 connector wired to a
terminal block.
For options not included in the Order Code configurator, please consult factory.