cgmSys MIB Description
PMC-CGM Installation and Use (6806800D53C)
.1.3.23 cgmSysHwVersion The hardware revision of the PMC-CGM. r
.1.3.24 cgmSysSwVersion The firmware revision of the board in the format "x.y.z"
which corresponds to "<major revision>.<minor
revision>.<build count>.
.1.3.25 cgmRestartCmd Restarts the module when set to 1. The operation is
ignored while a firmware update is ongoing.
After a successful firmware update this will start the
new firmware.
.1.3.26 cgmFwUpdateHost The IP address of the TFTP server where the new
firmware image is located.
.1.3.27 cgmFwUpdateFile The name of the firmware update image to be
downloaded from the TFTP server.
.1.3.28 cgmFwUpdateMd5 The MD5 checksum of the firmware image. This
checksum is verified after downloading the TFTP
image and after programming it into the boot flash.
.1.3.29 cgmFwUpdateOption Controls how to handle revision numbers of the old and
the new firmware image:
If "newer" (0) only images with a version number higher
than the current one can be programmed.
If "newerOrSame" (1), images with the same or a
higher version number can be programmed.
If "allowDowngrade" (2), firmware downgrade is
If "noVersionCheck" (3), no version check is performed
at all. This allows installing images which do not
contain version information.
Default value is (0).
.1.3.30 cgmFwUpdateStart A value of 1 initiates the firmware update. The value
remains 1 as long as the update is ongoing.
.1.3.31 cgmSysTelnetEnable Enables(1) / disables (0) a telnet server on the module.
Used only for debugging purposes.
Default value is (1).
.1.3.32 cgmTrapDestination IP address where to send traps to.
Default value is the host address specified in the boot
parameters of the PMC-CGM.
Table 5-8 cgmSys Objects (continued)
OID MIB Object Description Access