
Connect the satellite speakers to the output RCA on the back panel of the Sub-woofer.
Please note to match the color, red to red and white to white.
2. Connect the subwoofer to the Audio device.
Using Audio connecting cord , connect the Line-input port of the subwoofer to Line-out of
the Audio Device (Such as the computer, Discman, MP3 player, etc).
3. Playing the audio device
Plug the AC power plug into the wall outlet and turn on the power switch.
Now your speaker system is ready for Use. Adjusting the volume control and Bass control ,
then you can enjoy the music.
Empire Three Year Limited Warranty
Empire warrants to the end user that all of its computer speaker systems are free from defects in materials and
workmanship in the course of normal and reasonable use for a term of three years from the date of purchase.
This warranty is the exclusive and only warranty in effect relative to Empire multimedia speaker systems and any
other warranties, either expressed or implied, are invalid. Neither Empire nor any authorized Empire reseller is
responsible for any incidental or consequential damages incurred in the use of the speakers. (This limitation of
incidental or consequential damage is not applicable where prohibited.)
Empire's obligation under this warranty does not apply to any defect, malfunction or failure as a result of misuse,
abuse, improper installation, use with faulty or improper equipment, or the use of the speaker systems with any
equipment for which they were not intended.
The terms of this warranty apply only to speaker systems when such speakers are returned to the respective
authorized Empire reseller where they were purchased.
Under the terms of this warranty, the original consumer purchaser has certain legal rights and may have other
rights, which vary worldwide.
Empire and Empire logo are owned by Albatros Multimedia Srl. and are registered. Other Brand names and
trademarks are the property of their owners. Empire assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear
in this manual. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
WEEE - (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Symbol
Durch Verwendung des WEEE-Symbols weisen wir darauf hin, dass dieses Produkt
nicht aIs normaler Haushaltsmüll behandelt werden darf. Sie tragen zum Schutze der
Umwelt bei, indem Sie dieses Produkt korrekt entsorgen. Genauere Informationen zum
Recycling dieses Produkts erhalten Sie von Ihrer Stadtverwaltung, von Ihrem
Müllabfuhrunternehmen oder im Laden, in dem sie das Produkt erworben haben.
Falls Sie Fragen oder Anmerkungen zu Empire-Produkten haben,
besuchen Sie unsere Website unter www.empiremedia.it,
oder senden Sie eine E-Mail an den Empire-Support unter assistenza@albatrosmultimedia.it.
Ausgangsleistung: RMS 16W x 2 + 30W(THD=±10%)
Eingangsimpedanz: 10K Ohm
Eingangsempfindlichkeit: 450 mV
Subwoofer: 5.5”-Driver, magnetisch abgeschirmt. Impedanz: 4 Ohm
3”-Mittelbereichtöner Impedanz: 4 Ohm magnetisch abgeschirmt.
¾”-Tweeter Impedanz: 8 Ohm magnetisch abgeschirmt.
Frequenzbereich: 45Hz - 20Khz
Abmessungen (Subwoofer):
Abmessungen (Satellit): 110(B) x 180(H) x 70(T) mm
Gewicht: ca. 6 kg
241(B) x 229(H) x 279(T) mm
Technische Daten: