Utilities 99
4. Press the button to select Review ID. Press ACT.
5. Review the RF ID codes you have set.
Clear pump
In rare instances, you may want to clear the pump settings and
return to the factory default settings.
CAUTION: Do not use this feature unless directed by your health-
care professional or a Medtronic MiniMed representa-
tive. If this feature is used, you will be required to
reprogram all pump settings for your personal needs.
If you clear your pump settings, it will default to those listed on
the Factory Default Settings. Program your pump settings as
directed by your healthcare professional.
CAUTION: Clearing the pump will reset all settings to the factory
default and force you through the rewind/change reser-
voir process. It is recommended that this procedure is
completed when your reservoir is empty, so you do not
waste insulin.
Add ID
Delete ID
Review ID
1 000042
2 000034
3 ------