RSA SecurID Ready Implementation Guide
•= If login attempts consistently fail, verify that the time settings on your mobile phone are correct in relation to
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time, also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Because RSA SecurID
relies on UTC, the time, date, and time zone settings on your mobile phone must always be correct in relation to
UTC. If the time settings drift, authentication to SecurID-protected networks and services cannot take place. To
get UTC, call a reliable time service. For instructions on how to change the time settings on your mobile phone,
see the Ericsson R380s User’s Manual.
•= Inspect the RSA ACE/Server logs to determine whether the user’s token has been disabled because of failed login
•= Verify that the user has installed the correct activation license on the mobile phone by listing the activation license
serial number on the phone, then verifying that it matches the serial number assigned to the user in the RSA
1. Open the flip, and tap the Extras tab.
2. Tap System.
3. Tap Preferences, then Messaging, then One-Time Passcodes, and then Get serial number. The RSA
SecurID activation license serial number appears:
4. Known Problems