Configuration and Management
Check the “Auto APN” option if you have not received any APN(s) from
your service provider. In this case the APN is automatically configured
based on information on the SIM card.
If you have received APN(s) from your service provider, type the
information in the corresponding “APN (2G)” and ”APN (3G)” fields.
Click Next to proceed. PPP User Authentication
The PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) Internet mode may require individual
user authentication.
Note: If you have not received any PPP Authentication details from your
service provider, leave the fields empty and click Next .
Figure 10 - Internet Access: PPP User Authentication page
Type the authentication details you have received in the “PPP user name”
and “PPP password” fields and select the appropriate “Authentication
Click Next to proceed.
4.3.2 Wireless LAN Access
The second part of the Configuration Wizard includes configuration of the
Wireless LAN (WLAN). A Wireless LAN is a local network that
communicates through wireless connections.
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