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Specifications are subject to change without notice.
1601 Jack McKay Blvd. • Ennis, Texas 75119 U.S.A.
Telephone: 800-321-6699 • Fax: 800-996-3821
Power Conditioner
1. AC Mains Input–Connectthe9'(3m)powercordtoa15A120VACoutlettoprovidepowertotheETA-C15D.
2. AC Filtered Outlets–ThefiveACoutletsare“Live”whenthepowerswitchisactivated.Theseoutletsarerecommendedfor
products such as Computers, Modems, Routers, DSP Processors, Cable/SAT, DVD, or CRT TVs. These outlets have a special filter
circuit that is optimized to reduce interference to your Digital and Analog components. The total maximum draw for this section is
10A and the total current draw for the ETA-C15D is 15A.
3. AC High Power Outlet–Thisoutletisdesignedtodelivermaximumcurrenttopowerhungrycomponentslikeamplifiersand
projectors. It does not harm low power consuming components when connected to this outlet.
4. Unswitched AC Outlet–This120VACoutletisalwayslivewhentheETA-C15DpowercordispluggedintoanACmainspower
source and voltage is present. If voltage is present at the outlets it will be displayed on the AC Mains Meter. Note: The AC mains
power switch does not affect the Unswitched AC Outlets. The Unswitched Outlets are protected by the surge protection circuitry
but will not be shut off by the EVS circuit.
5. XLR Light Socket–A12VDCXLRlightsocketprovidespowerfortheoptionalAL-GNL18light.
6. Light Socket Power Switch–ThisswitchturnstheXLRlightsocketOn/Off.
ETA-C15D can be placed on a shelf or rack mounted in a standard 19" width rack. When mounting to a rack rail system use
⁄32" x 1".
• AfterpluggingtheETA-C15Dintoa15AACMainsoutletinspecttheWiringFaultLEDforillumination.TheLEDshouldnotbeon.
• InspecttheequipmentthatistobepluggedintotheETA-C15Dtoensureitdoesnotexceed15Atotalamperagedraw.
• Dividetheequipmentintotwocategories.Picktheoutletsthatmatchtheoutletsequipmentuse.
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