System 5 Digital Audio Mixing System - InDepth
Channel Process Order
Each channel has an insert point which can be placed in any of
the seven process positions. The Euphonix converters provide
analog and digital I/O for insertion of any type of device, such
as a delay line, into the signal path.
There are 7 processing sections:
• Delay
• Metering Source
• Insert Point
• EQ
• 2 Filters
• Dynamics
• Fader and Mute
These can be arranged in any order using the eMix application,
even when passing audio, but must be re-ordered at least two
adjacent channels at a time. For example, the EQ may be set to
follow dynamics, the insert may be placed after the EQ or dynam-
ics, and metering, can be placed after the fader, on channels 1
and 2, or on channels 1-8.
EQ & Filters
The EQ controls are shown opposite. Euphonix has a well-
earned reputation for the highest quality EQ algorithms with
an uncompromised approach to design. System 5’s equalizer
is much more than just a simple EQ. The four bands are each
fully parametric, with additionally switchable peak/shelf selec-
tion on two of the bands. Frequencies are not limited to fixed
ranges; each band covers the entire 20Hz - 20kHz spectrum,
with a gain +/- 24dB and local variable Q control. The Page key
at the bottom of the knobs brings up the Filters. There are two
Filters that can each be set to: High Pass, Low Pass, Band Pass
or Notch. Each filter has a frequency control. The notch filter
includes Q control and a “boost/listen” function, monitoring the
audio without the filter in the circuit, to help identify any prob-
lematic frequency prior to selection. A 50/60 Hz hum, or other
unexpected noise problem can be taken care of without disturb-
ing the program mix or compromising any equalizer settings as
with shared designs.
EQ Display
Whenever an equalizer is being adjusted a graphical display ap-
pears to illustrate what the processor is doing to the audio at
the top of the channel.
EQ Select
High Band
Freq/Q Page
Freq Adj
Gain Adj
High Band In/Out
High Mid Band
Freq/Q Page
Freq Adj
Gain Adj
High Mid Band In/Out
Low Mid Band
Freq/Q Page
Freq Adj
Gain Adj
Low Mid Band In/Out
Low Band
Freq/Q Page
Freq Adj
Gain Adj
Low Band In/Out
Page Keys to Filters
EQ In/Out
EQ Knobset