EDH5102 1080p Mini Box Camera
Enter the submenu to set up the privacy masks; up to 31 zones can be created:
ON ZONE NO: Use the and buttons to select the zone from 0 to 31.
X, Y-POS, SIZ: Enter the submenu to set up the position or size of the privacy mask zone.
COLOR: Press to select a color for the selected privacy mask zone.
TRANS: Press to select the transparency of mask zone.
Turn it on to offset diminished light transmission through lens periphery for uniform image
The options include MODE, AGC THRS, DELAY. A submenu can be entered if you select MODE.
• MODE – Use the and buttons to select AUTO, COLOR and B&W. Switches to a B&W
feed in low light conditions and then switches back to a Color feed in the daytime.
• AGC THRS –Use the and buttons to select the AGC Threshold from 0 to 20.
• DELAY – Set up the delay time in 0,5,10 and 30 seconds for the camera to switch between
Day and Night.
Turn it on to select the level and color of the masking effect. You can adjust the level to control
the mask range. The higher the level, the brighter the camera will detect to apply the mask.
CTB (Contrast Boost)
Turn it on to deliver properly exposed images despite bright light sources, deep shadows and /
or unbalanced lighting in the same scene.
Use the and buttons to increase or decrease the GAMMA from 0.45 to 0.75.
4.1.4 BLC
Press the Enter / Confirm button to enter the submenu.