Evolution MK-425C/449C/461C Advanced User Guide
Once the controller you want to edit has been selected, you can change the assigned
MIDI cc number in the following way:
1. Press “CONTROL ASSIGN”. The LCD will flash the CC symbol.
The 3 digit display will indicate the currently assigned MIDI cc number.
2. Type in a new MIDI cc value using the numeric keypad or '+' and '-' buttons.
The MIDI controller number you select will be assigned to the currently selected
controller, shown by the number on the small, 2-digit display.
Example: After pressing ASSIGN, the display shows the
cc symbol and in this case displays that currently the MIDI cc 07 is
assigned to fader/rotary controller number 33.
1. Select the controller you want to edit as described earlier.
The LCD will display the CHAN symbol and the 3-digit display will show the
current channel assignment of the selected controller, preceded by a ’c’. The
small 2-digit display will show the currently selected controller for assignment.
3. Type the MIDI channel number (01-16) you want the controller to send to,
using the numeric keypad or the +/- keys.
If the controller is assigned to channel 00, it will transmit on the global channel.
The 10 assignable buttons can each be assigned to toggle between two values. You
may for instance want to send out value 15 when you first press the button followed by
value 74 when you press the button for a second time. This is how you do it:
1. Press the Function button labelled “DATA MSB” 2 times.
2. Type in 15 using the numerical keypad or the +/- keys.
3. Press the Function button labelled “DATA LSB” 2 times.
4. Type in 74 using the numerical keypad or the +/- keys.
If you want the button to send the same value every time you press it, simply type in the
same value both times.
Assigning An Individual MIDI Channel
Setting Toggle Values For The Buttons
Assigning MIDI CC’s
Evolution MK-425C/449C/461C Advanced User Guide
Appendix C - Hexadecimal Conversion Chart
Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion Chart
mal value
mal value
mal value
0 0 2B 43 56 86
1 1 2C 44 57 87
2 2 2D 45 58 88
3 3 2E 46 59 89
4 4 2F 47 5A 90
5 5 30 48 5B 91
6 6 31 49 5C 92
7 7 32 50 5D 93
8 8 33 51 5E 94
9 9 34 52 5F 95
0A 10 35 53 60 96
0B 11 36 54 61 97
0C 12 37 55 62 98
0D 13 38 56 63 99
0E 14 39 57 64 100
0F 15 3A 58 65 101
10 16 3B 59 66 102
11 17 3C 60 67 103
12 18 3D 61 68 104
13 19 3E 62 69 105
14 20 3F 63 6A 106
15 21 40 64 6B 107
16 22 41 65 6C 108
17 23 42 66 6D 109
18 24 43 67 6E 110
19 25 44 68 6F 111
1A 26 45 69 70 112
1B 27 46 70 71 113
1C 28 47 71 72 114
1D 29 48 72 73 115
1E 30 49 73 74 116
1F 31 4A 74 75 117
20 32 4B 75 76 118
21 33 4C 76 77 119
22 34 4D 77 78 120
23 35 4E 78 79 121
24 36 4F 79 7A 122
25 37 50 80 7B 123
26 38 51 81 7C 124
27 39 52 82 7D 125
28 40 53 83 7E 126
29 41 54 84 7F 127
2A 42 55 85