
Display icons
Low battery
DC Direct current
AC Alternating current
Minus sign
AUTO Automatic range (frequency only)
MAN Manual range
ZERO Zero / Relative function
HOLD HOLD function
MAX Highest reading
MIN Lowest reading
Audible continuity
V Voltage unit of measure
A Current unit of measure
M Prefix MEGA (millions of units)
k Prefix KILO (thousands of units)
Ohm (unit of measure for resistance and continuity
Hz Hertz (unit of measure for frequency)
Bargraph display
The 40 segment bargraph display shown below is a graphical interpretation of the measurement. It
is displayed under the display digits on the LCD.
The bars in the bargraph indicate a presence of an electronic signal. The more bars showing, the
higher the signal. The digits below the graph help the user see how many bars are showing. If 40
segments are showing, the bars will reach the ‘40’ mark, if 20 bars are showing the bars will reach
the ‘20’ mark.
The bargraph is to be interpreted based on the range the meter is in while the measurement is
being made. If the bargraph shows 40 segments lit, then the signal is at the highest end of the
meter’s present range.