CHAPTER 1 Installing Adaptive Server
Release contents
This distribution is provided with a Developer’s Edition license that enables
single-CPU operation, and restricts the number of concurrent users to 25. All
other available features are automatically enabled, and there is no expiration
period. To enable usage authorized by your purchase agreement, you must
provide license keys using the License Entry application in the
/Applications/Sybase directory.
Besides Adaptive Server Enterprise version 12.5.02, this release provides you
with some interactive tools to help you use and configure your database. These
tools can be launched from the Finder by double-clicking on their icons, which
may also be dragged to the Dock, if desired.
jISQL – an interactive query tool that enables you to submit SQL
statements to the server, and view their results within a window.
• SybaseCentral – allows a database administrator to create tables,
databases, users, and so on using an easy-to-use graphical interface.
• Server Build – an interactive graphical configuration utility that allows
you to define the parameters of a new server build, and then performs
actions necessary to build a new server according to those parameters.
• Sybase Server Discovery – uses Rendezvous technology to display the
name and location of all servers running on your network. Each Sybase
server registers itself with Rendezvous when it starts, and Sybase Server
Discovery shows you where each of these servers is located. Also, the
Configuration option allows you to automatically generate and update
entries in the interfaces file, for each server selected in the list.
• License Entry – allows you to enter information about your purchased
software, and generates a software license key for you.
sybmigrate – allows you to move schema and data from one Adaptive
Server version or higher, to another, primarily for the purpose of
changing to a server that uses a different page size.
The following Adaptive Server features are also provided with this release:
• Server license (Developer’s Edition)
• Java/XML in Adaptive Server
• External file system
• Component Integration Services
• Row level access control