This equipment complies with radio interference regulations for data pro-
cessing devices. When used in a residential area, this equipment may
cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take
appropriate corrective measures.
#Concerning radio interference
This product generates weak radio signals and may interfere with radio and
television reception if not installed and used correctly. If you suspect that it is
causing interference with radio and television reception, try one or more of the
following measures:
• Change the direction of your reception antennae and feeders
• Change the direction of this product
• Change the distance between your receiver and this product
• Use separate power supply circuits for your receiver and this product
#Trademarks mentioned in this manual
and RTL-PASS are trademarks or product names of MUTOH Industries Ltd.
• HP, HP-GL, HP-GL/2, HP-RTL are trademarks or product names of Hewlett-
Packard Inc.
• Centronics, Bitronics are trademarks or product names of Centronics Data
Computer Corp.
• Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 are trademarks or product
names of Microsoft Corp.
• DOS-V, PC-DOS are trademarks or product names of IBM (International
Business Machines Inc.)
• NetWare is a trademark or product name of Nobel Inc.
• EtherTalk is a trademark or product name of Apple Computer Inc.
• Other names of companies or products are trademarks or product names of
the respective companies.
• Details of this product and this manual are protected by copy-
right held by this company and except for legitimate use by
individuals, may not be copied, reproduced or distributed in
whole or in part.
• Details contained in this manual may be subject to future alter-
ation without notice.
• Details contained in this manual are believed to be correct but
please contact this company or your dealer if you suspect an
error or a point is not clear.
• In no event will this company be responsible for the conse-
quences of using this product or this manual.
September 2000
Published: Mutoh Industries Ltd., 1-3 Ikejiri 3-chome, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-8560, Japan
Copyright © September 2000, Mutoh Industries Ltd. All rights reserved.
RJ-6000 Series USER GUIDE Basic Edition