20 Domino XL DF700
Calibrating the Sight Gauge
The horizontal position gauge (also called the sight gauge)
is used for aligning Domino tenons to a pencil mark on the
workpiece. If the gauge is not perfectly centered over the
mortising slot, the two workpieces will not be aligned when
the joint is assembled.
Calibration Procedure
1. Take two pieces of scrap wood, and draw a thin line on
each piece where a tenon is to be placed. You do not
need to be concerned with how the edges line up.
Fine Line
2. Set the mortise slot width to the narrow setting (page
3. With the middle line of the sight gauge lined up on the
pencil line, plunge a mortise slot into each piece of wood.
(Do not use the stop pins.)
4. Join the two pieces of wood together without glue, and
examine the alignment of the original pencil lines.
5. If the pencil lines are not aligned, loosen the two screws
on the sight gauge and slide the gauge sideways as
noted in the upper image.
Note: The distance between the lines is twice the actual
error. When adjusting the sight gauge, move it only 1/2
the distance between the lines.
Move Sight
Gauge Right
Move Sight
Gauge Left
Sight Gauge
Center Line