Operation Instructions
the instrument will cease updating the exposure measurements when the current drops below the stop
threshold and will return to measuring leakage.
The instrument uses the start and stop threshold
settings to sense when an exposure is in progress.
With the automatic leakage compensation settings displayed (Figure B-4), press the TEST FUNCTION
button. The "
" cursor will appear to the left of the ALC annunciator. Use the UP and DOWN arrow
buttons to toggle the setting between on (ALC) and off (OFF).
With automatic leakage compensation enabled, press the TEST FUNCTION button to advance the "
cursor to the next field or exit Edit mode. When the cursor points to a threshold setting, use the UP and
DOWN arrow buttons to increment and decrement the value, respectively. Nominal values for the start
and stop thresholds are 1.3 and 1.2 pA, respectively. However, depending on the system leakage, other
values may be necessary.
When automatic leakage compensation is disabled, the annunciator displays off (OFF) (Figure B-5), the
start and stop threshold settings cannot be changed and display Not Available (NA), as do the leakage
Figure B-4. Automatic Leakage Compensation Enabled
Figure B-5. Automatic Leakage Compensation Disabled
The instrument may reset all measurements when
the automatic leakage compensation parameters
are changed.
Disabling automatic leakage compensation prevents
automatic exposure detection and the measurement
of leakage current, and leakage measurements will
display Not Available (NA).
Start Thres: 1.0 pA
Stop Thres: 0.9 pA
Current: 0.0 pA
Start Thres: NA pA
Stop Thres: NA pA
Current: 0.0 pA