Operating the Meter From the Front Panel
Using The Compare (Comp) Function
Using the List Editor
Use the list editor to select an option from a list. Table 3-11 summarizes the options
available through the list editor.
To use the list editor, proceed as follows:
1. Press S .
2. Press the appropriate modifier button, as indicated in Table 3-11, to call the list editor
on an options list.
The option currently selected is shown in the primary display and an annunciator,
indicating the option list, is shown in the secondary display.
3. Press U or T to step through the list. (Holding down either button for longer
than two seconds causes it to scroll.)
4. As you step through the list, only the selected option is shown in normal intensity
(bright), all others are dimmed. When the desired option is shown, press E to
select it. The selected option is then displayed in normal intensity.
To abort the operation, press any button except E, U , and T. When the option
selection operation is aborted, the editor is exited, and the meter resumes normal
For example, to set the decibel reference impedance to 16:
1. Press S , then press I .
“e”, “dB”, and the reference impedance are shown in the primary display.
2. Press and hold down T to scroll to 16. (If the refernce impedance is less than 16,
press and hold down U.) Each option other than the selected reference impedance
is dimmed. Also, since power can be selected with this reference, "POWER" is
shown in the secondary display.