Remote Programming
Device-dependent commands are device-dependent messages. For the 8842A to receive
them, they must be sent over the IEEE-488 bus when the 8842A is in remote and has
been addressed as a listener.
The following paragraphs describe the device-dependent commands in alphabetical order.
Special characters (* and ?) are described last.
3-7. Bn (Offset Commands)
The Offset commands duplicate the function of the front panel OFFSET button. When
the 8842A receives the B1 command, the 8842A stores the present reading as an offset
for the present function. The B0 command cancels the offset. As with front panel
operation, only one offset is allowed at a time.
The offset status (not the offset value) can be read using the G5 command. The 8842A
defaults to B0 on both power-up and on any device-clear command (*, DCL, or SDC).
3-8. Cn (Calibration Commands)
The command string "C3 C0" erases the entire calibration
memory. A complete calibration must then be performed.
The Calibration commands allow the 8842A to be calibrated under remote control.
Commands C0, C1, and C2 duplicate the front panel calibration functions STORE, A/D,
and HF AC, respectively. For a complete description of remote calibration, see the
Maintenance section of this manual.
For the 8842A to accept these commands, the 8842A must be in the calibration mode
(enabled by pressing the front panel CAL ENABLE switch). Otherwise, the commands
generate an error message.
3-9. Dn (Display Commands)
The Display commands allow the user to blank the numeric field in the 8842A front
panel display. The D0 command causes the display to operate normally, and is the default
on power-up and upon any device-clear command (*, DCL, or SDC).
The D1 command blanks the numeric field in the display. The annunciators remain
active, and all of the annunciators still flash if the input exceeds 1000V dc or 700V ac in
the respective ranges. The D1 command is used for best performance when high IEEE-
488 Interface Data rates are required.