6 Messages
6.1 Table
Message “The [report][table] was successfully exported to filename.”
Message “The raw data that was entered may contain errors or may be inappro
priate for the selected type of coefficients. Carefully check the raw data for er
rors before attempting to calculate coefficients again.”
Remarks TableWare was not able to calculate coefficients based on the raw
data that was entered. Check the raw data for mistakes and attempt to calculate
the coefficients again.
Message “At least one ITS-90 range must be selected to calculate ITS-90
Remarks When calculating ITS-90 coefficients, a low range, high range or
both must be selected. Selecting None for both the low and high range is not
Message “Every coefficient must have a value. [Other information.] Finish fill-
ing in the coefficient values then select Continue.”
Remarks When entering coefficients to generate a table, all listed coefficients
must have a value entered into the box. Enter values for all coefficients.
Message “Coefficients R0, ALPHA and DELTA must have values. BETA can
be left blank. Finish filling in the coefficient values then select Continue.”
Remarks When entering Callendar-Van Dusen coefficients to generate a table,
the R0, ALPHA and DELTA coefficients must have a value entered into the
boxes. Enter values for these coefficients.
Message “Unable to retrieve standard thermocouple coefficients. Cannot
Remarks To generate a thermocouple table, the standard coefficients must be
read in from the CALCCOEF.DLL file. Make sure the CALCCOEF.DLL file is
located in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM or \WINNT\SYSTEM directory. Alterna
tively, this file can be placed in the directory where the application is installed.
Message “Warning: The selected temperature range exceeds the recommended
range for the coefficients. Calculations for any temperatures below minimum
temperature and above maximum temperature will be extrapolated. Select OK
to continue or select Cancel to abort.”
Remarks The selected minimum and maximum temperatures for generating a
table exceed the lowest and highest set-points used to calculate the coefficients
or exceed the recommended temperature range for the coefficients being used.
In order to generate a table over the range specified, TableWare must use ex
trapolation. For recommended temperature ranges for generating tables, see
6 Messages
TableWare Messages