To find prefixes or suffixes of words, type an
asterisk before or after a word root. Each
asterisk stands for any number of letters.
1. At
Ready for wordReady for word
Ready for wordReady for word
Ready for word, type a word
root beginning or ending with an ✻.
2. Press ENTER.
3. Press ▼ to see more words, if any.
4. Press CLEAR.
Finding Prefixes & Suffixes
You can type both ?’s and ✽’s
in an entry, but you can’t type
✽’s inside words. If you do,
you see Illegal wildcard.
Press ENTER and type a new word.
Question marks can help you
solve crosswords. For example,
if the second letter of a five-letter
word is H and its last letter is T,
enter ?H??T to see possible answers.
To find letters that you don’t know in words,
type a question mark for each unknown letter.
1. At
Ready for wordReady for word
Ready for wordReady for word
Ready for word, type a word
with question marks in it.
2. Press ENTER.
3. Press ▼ to see more words, if any.
Finding Letters