Freecom Internet Phone
Freecom Internet Phone
Why Freecom Internet Phone?
Freecom Internet Phone functions almost just like a traditional one. The only dierence
lies where that Freecom Internet Phone must be used in conjunction with computers
via USB interface and VOIP software. Most people use Skype phone software with
speaker and microphone, or with headset. Freecom Internet Phone is designed to look
and function like a traditional one to allow users to relate better when learn to use this
new technology.
Dierence Between Freecom Internet Phone and Traditional Phone
Though known as "a phone", Freecom Internet Phone must be used together with VOIP
software (Skype), which functions dierently from traditional ones, including dialing.
Freecom Internet Phone transmits voice through the internet. One can call with a Free-
com Internet Phone directly to another computer, telephone or cellular phone. You only
need to select the desirable person from the Contact List to make the call from PC to
PC. For calling from PC to telephone or cellular phone, you will then need to purchase
SkypeOut credits.
The biggest advantage for Freecom Internet Phone is its highly economical rate. Call-
ing from PC to PC is free! The rate varies by region when calling from PC to household
phone. Giving no roaming is involved, you can call United States from any countries in
the world for €0.017 per minute.
So long the bandwidth for both ends is stable via P2P (point to point) technology, Skype
can provide superb calling quality with bargaining rate to make you feel worthwhile!
When To Use Freecom Internet Phone?
Anyone can call via Freecom Internet Phone so long he/she has a PC with internet access.
The bargaining rate provided by Skype will allow you to make any international calls for
as long as you want at a minimal cost!