
Stain Removal
Adhesive tape, chewing g_E_, Applyic_. Scrapeoff _cess. Place stain fac_do_l_paper towels. Saturatewithpre_shstainre@over or
rubber ceJ_nt r_lamvsbledry clearingfluid.
Baby for_, dairyprotucts, Use product contairnp_ er_nes to pretreat or soak stalr_. Sc_k for 30 minutes or msre _Wash.
Beverages (coffee,tea,scda, Pretreat stain.Washusir_coldwaterandbleachsafe for fabric.
juice, alt_holicheverages)
Blood Ri_e witl_coldwater. F_b withbar soap. Or, pretteat or soak with product cantalni_ e_zymes. Washuslr_ bleach
s_fefcr f_c.
CaDdie wax, crayon Scrape offsurface wax. Place stain face downbetweenpaper towels. Press withwarn_izrxluntil wax isabsorbed.
Replace paper towels frequently. Treat z_ma _ nj stain withp_h stab1 r em_¢er or nonf l_n_ble dry clem_ing
fluid. Haldwash to r em_e solv_lt. WashuslNgbleach safe for fabric.
Chsc_late Pretteat orsoak inwa_ waterusir_ prc_ct contalrmr_ enzymes. Wash uslr_ bleach safe for fabric.
Cbl]ar or cur f soil, ccs_tics Pret teat with prewash stain re_r_er or imbwlthbar soap.
_£e tz_ fer @_wbite fahrlc Use packaged c_]or _r. Wash usinj bleach safe for fabric.
G_ass Pretteat orsoak inwalm_water usir_ proahct contalrmr_ enzymes. Wash uslr_ bleach safe for fabric.
Greta,,oil,tar_ter, fats, Scraperesi_oe f_ fabric.Pretreat. Washus_n_ hottest water safeforfabric. Forheavy stalmsandtar,apply
saladdressi_, crsckin_ oils, _xlqfl_le dryclearrulgfluidtoback ofstain.Replace towelst_lderstaJ]lfrequent]y.Rinse thorot_qly _Washuslp_
car gre_e, _r_anr oils) hsttest water safe for fabric.
_k Some inksmay be i_rposs_bleto re_r_e. Washing may set sa_ ir_s. Use prewash stain _,_r, d_tured alcohol
or r_[larmable chy clesr_ f lu_d.
Mildew, scorch Wash with chloride bleach if safe for fabric. Or, soak in oxygen bleach ard bet water before washing. Badlylrm ldewed
fabrics maybe permanently dmmeged.
Mud Brdsh of f dry i_]d. Pret teat or scek with product conta_nj _r_q_nes.
Mustard, tomato Pretreat withprewashstainz_Tmver. Washuslp_bleachsafe for fabric.
Nmlpii%h May be _@x_sable to rerove. Place sta'_ n face dowr_ on paper towels. Apply _il polish z_er to back of stain.
Repeat, replac_ngpaper towelsfrequently.Dommt use_lacetate fabrics.
;_Jr_,-_arrdsh _6_]_RBASED :Ri_Isefabric _/Icool water whlle stain iswet_ Wash_ Once paint isdry, it cannot be _aved _OIL BASED
AZDVARNTSH: Use solvent recam_ded on can label. Rl_isethoroughlybefore washir_.
Pe_t_l Use prewash stain _sDver or _mb with bar soap. Ri!_e. Wash us_nj ncr_orine bleach _n hottest water safe for fabric.
Rust, brown or yellow For spots, use rust remover safe for fabric. For discoloration of _ entire load, use phc6p_t e detergent and
dlsco]c_ nonchlor_ne bleach. DO not use _crine bleaehbecause it may intemsi_ydlscolorat£cn.
Sheeplish LIQUID: Pret teat withapaste of granular detergent _ldwater. PASTE: Scrape residue fr@n fabric. Pret teat with
prewash stain remmver or _or_lam_le dry clean_ fluid. _e. Rub detergent into d_pered area. Washus_ng
bleechsefe for fabric.
Urine, v_it, l_c_s, feces P_t rear or soak in protuct conta_nir_ enzymes. Wash uslr_ bleach safe for fabric.