6.2 Macintosh
1. When printing from Photoshop
When printing from Photoshop, image edges (right side and lower
side) may not be printed for several lines. While
PICTROGRAPHY provides a print resolution of 400 dpi, when
Photoshop images are printed at this resolution, the number of
pixels of the Photoshop images and the printed images may not
match each other exactly.
2. About setup for direction of paper
Some applications allow you to specify the direction of paper
through their own dialogs. (FREEHAND, etc.)
In such cases, settings for the direction of paper made in the
printer driver may be ignored.
3. About the print quality of rotated characters
The print quality obtained when printing rotated characters de-
pends on the application from which printing occurs.
Since the PICTROGRAPHY printer driver does not support pic-
ture comments, the print quality of rotated characters is often
poorer than that of non-rotated characters.
4. Notes on use of ColorSync
The PICTROGRAPHY supports the color management func-
tion provided by ColorSync. However, some types of applica-
tions from which print is made will support a color management
function of their own. (Photoshop, etc.)
In such cases, keep in mind that appropriate color matching will
not be obtained if the color management function is enabled on
both the application and the printer driver side.
To use the color management function provided on the applica-
tion side, disable ColorSync on the printer driver side and set
Image Process to OFF and Gray Balance to Gray3.
5. To print on Mac OS9
When printing from Mac OS 9, the following restrictions apply:
• When Multi-user is enabled (ON), an ordinary user might be
requested to enter the password of the owner.
• When Multi-user is enabled (ON), a restricted user or panel
user cannot operate the printer.
• When Multi-user is enabled on the server side in a network
printing and print is launched by a restricted user or panel user,
the printer cannot complete the printing process (cannot de-
lete the spool file) and will, therefore, repeat the same print-
To end the print, log in to the server from the owner or an
ordinary user, and delete the relevant document through the
Print Monitor.
• When Multi-user is enabled on the client side in a network
printing, a restricted user or panel user needs to select [All Print-
ers] for Available Printer on [Multi-user] Control Panel.
•A restricted user or panel user intending to utilize Print Moni-
tor will have to register Print Monitor as [User's Application]
at Multi-user on Control Panel.
The problems mentioned above will not be the case, if Multi-
user is deactivated (OFF), or if the owner logs in when Multi-
user remains active (ON).
6.3 Others
1. To print a document with an ESP file linked
The PICTROGRAPHY is a non-PostScript printer. Therefore,
if a document having an EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) file
linked is printed on the printer, image data of the EPS file will
be replaced with a preview image (low-resolution image) in the
Some applications allow to embed the EPS file into the docu-
ment, instead of linking the file to the document. In that case,
the images created by the applications will be printed (the im-
age quality depending on the applications).