
These jumpers come in the SHORT position as a default factory setting:
J2: The CPU is connected to the +5V power supply through this jumper
J3: The CPU AVCC supply pin is connected +5V power supply through this jumper
J4: The CPU AGND supply pin is connected to the GND through this jumper
J5: The CPU AVR+ pin is connected to the +5V voltage through this jumper
J6: The CPU AVR- pin is connected to the 0V voltage through this jumper
J7-9: The CPU UART1 signals are connected to the K7 connector
J13: The board is powered from the +5V from the power supply voltage regulator
J19: The CPU HRQ pin is connected to the SDA Mainboard signal
J20: The CPU #HAK pin is connected to the SCL Mainboard signal