This equipment can input and output navigation data to external
equipment in IEC 61162-1 (NMEA 0183) format. Input data is output as
raw data. For output setting, refer to the operator’s manual of the
2.1 Data Sentence Description
APB: Autopilot sentence data
BWC: Range and bearing to waypoint (great circle navigation)
BWR: Range and bearing to waypoint (rhumb line)
COG: Course over ground
DBK: Depth
DBS: Depth
DBT: Depth below transducer
DPT: Depth
GGA: GPS position fixing condition (time of fix, latitude, longitude,
receiving condition, number of satellites used, DOP)
GLC: Geographic position Loran-C
GLL: Latitude and longitude
GTD: Loran-C time difference
HDG: Heading, deviation and variation
HDM: Heading, magnetic north
HDT: Heading true
MDA: Wind direction and speed
MTW: Water temperature
MWV: Wind direction and speed
RMB: Generic navigational information (cross track error, steering
direction, starting waypoint no., destination waypoint no., latitude
and longitude of starting waypoint, latitude and longitude of
destination waypoint, range and bearing to waypoint, range and
bearing from present position to destination waypoint, velocity to
destination, arrival alarm)
RMC: Generic navigational information (UTC time, latitude, longitude,
ground speed, true course, day, month, year)
ROT: Rate of Turn
VBW: Water speed and ground speeds
VDR: Tidal current direction and current speed
VHW: Water speed and heading
VTG: Actual track and ground speeds
VWR: Relative wind direction and speed
VWT: Actual wind direction and speed
XTE: Course error amount and direction to steer
ZDA: UTC time (day, month, year)