Part # 1382677 (08/06) Page 7
NOTE: is appliance is not recommended for
residential installation.
From Combustible material ” (mm) sides and rear.
A clearance of .” to non combustible construction
as sides & rear is acceptable. e fryer is suitable for
installation on combustible floor.
Gas Connections and Piping Sizing
e size of the gas line is very important. If the line is
too small, the gas pressure at the burner manifold will
be low. is will cause slow recovery, delayed ignition,
and pilot outage. Refer to the Gas Line Sizing Chart in
the nation Fuel Codebook.
Before connecting new pipe to your GARLAND Fryer,
the pipe must be thoroughly blown out to depose of
all foreign particles. If these foreign particles get into
the burner and controls they will cause improper and
sometimes dangerous operation.
When using thread compound, use it sparingly and one
on male threads. Use compound that is impervious to
the action of Propane gases. Do not put any on the first
two threads. is will prevent fouling the controls and
clogging the pilot and main burner orifices.
Make sure that installer checks all plumbing with a
soap solution for leaks. DO NOT USE A FLAME,
MATCHES, CANDLES, or other ignition source in
checking for leaks.
Before leaving the factory, the fryer was tested, and
the thermostat was calibrated, with oil in the frypot;
therefore, it is necessary to clean the frypot before
adding frying compound. Rinse the frypot with clean
water, then put some fryer cleaner on a damp cloth,
full strength, and wipe the entire frypot clean. Rinse
it thoroughly and wipe dry. e fryer is now ready for
use. If the fryer doe not have a stainless steel frypot and
is not to be used immediately after cleaning, coat the
entire frypot surface with shortening or cooking oil to
prevent rust.
A. e installation shall be made with a connector
that complies with the standard for connectors
for Movable Gas Appliances, ANSI Z21.69 or
the Standard for Connectors for Movable Gas
Appliances, CAN/CGS-6.16, and quick disconnect
device that complies with the Standard for Quick
Disconnects for Use with Gas Fuel, ANSI Z21.41,
or the Standard for Quick Disconnects for Use with
Gas Fuel, CAN/CGA-6.9.
B. e front casters of the unit are equipped with
brakes to limit the movement of the fryer without
depending on the connector and any quick
disconnect device or its associated piping to limit
the appliance movement.
C. Please be aware, required restraint is attached to a
bracket on the fryer (connection point is located on
the left rear caster of the fryer), and if disconnection
of the restraint is necessary, be sure to reconnect
the restraint after the fryer has been returned to its
originally installed position.
NOTE: When installed, the fryer must be restrained
to prevent tipping in order to avoid the splashing of hot
liquid. e means of restraint may be the manner of
installation, such as connection to a battery of appliances.
Or installing the fryer in an alcove, or by separate means,
such as adequate ties.
Raise front of the unit and block. Do not lay unit on its
back.. Position leg insert into leg retainer opening and
tap up until it seats at collar flange. Repeat at rear of unit
making sure all four legs are adjusted to same height.
Legs can be adjusted to overcome an uneven floor.
CAUTION: ese types of GARLAND Fryers cannot
be installed on a masonry base or without proper clearance
from floor. Primary air is supplied to the ‘jet – type”
burner from the front and mainly from the bottom of
the fryer. If installed on a masonry base or directly on
floor without the use of the factory supplied ” (mm)
legs or casters, improper combustion will occur.