Chapter 5: Using Drives and Ports
Playing a CD
Use a music program or Windows Media Player on your convertible tablet
PC to:
■ Play music CDs
■ Create MP3 and WMA music files from your music CDs
■ Edit music track information
■ Use your music files to build a music library
Playing a DVD
A Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) is similar to a standard CD but has greater
data capacity. Because of this increased capacity, full-length movies,
several albums of music, or several gigabytes of data can fit on a single
disc. You can play DVDs with a DVD program or Windows Media Player.
Creating CDs
You can use a CD burning program, Windows XP, Windows Media Player,
or Windows Movie Maker to copy or create data CDs, create music CDs,
create video CDs, and more.
Tips & Tricks For more information about playing CDs, see “Using
Windows Media Player” in
Using Your Computer
which has
been included on your hard drive. To access this guide, tap
or click Start, All Programs, then tap or click Gateway
Tips & Tricks For more information about playing DVDs, see “Using
Windows Media Player” and “Using CyberLink PowerDVD”
Using Your Computer
which has been included on your
hard drive. To access this guide, tap or click Start,
All Programs, then tap or click Gateway Documentation.