
6 Checking Out Your Gateway Computer
Joystick/MIDI port Plug a joystick or MIDI device into this port.
Modem jack Plug a modem cable into this jack.
Line out 2 (rear out) jack Rear Out. Plug powered speakers or an external amplifier
into this jack. This jack is color-coded black.
Line out 1 (speakers)
Speakers. Plug powered speakers, an external amplifier,
or headphones into this jack. This jack is color-coded
Microphone jack Plug a microphone into this jack. This jack is color-coded
Line in jack Plug an external audio input source (such as a stereo) into
this jack so that you can record sound on your computer.
This jack is color-coded blue.
Shipping screw Remove the shipping screw prior to using the cover release
levers to open the side panel. For more information on
opening your case, see Opening and closing on page 17.
Cover release levers Use the cover release levers to open the side panel for
access to the inside of the case. For more information on
opening your case, see Opening and closing on page 17.
Component Icon Description