
About the dryer features.
Wrinkle Care Option (onsomemodels)
Usethis option to minimizethe wrinkles
in clothes. It provides approximately
15 minutes of no-heat tumbling after
the clothes are dry.
Thisoption can only be usedwith the
If Uouare using the CYCLESIGNALknob
and you selectthe WRINKLECAREoption,
a signalwill sound at the end of the drying
time and severaltimes during the WRINKLE
CAREcycle. Thiswill remind Uouthat it istime
to remove the clothes.
If WRINKLE CAREis not on, the dryer will stop
once the timer reaches the WRINKLE CARE
mark on the cycle dial.
Cgcle Signal Option (onsomemodels)
Thissignalwill soundjust beforethe end
of the cgcle to remind you to remove the
clothes.On some models,the signal sound
levelcannot be adjusted,
IfUouselectedthe WRINKLECAREoption,
the signal will sound at the end of the drying
time and will sound severaltimes during the
WRINKLECAREcurie. Thiswill remind gou
that it istime to removethe clothes.
Removegarments promptly at the sound
of the signal. Placeclothes on hangers so
wrinkles won't set in.
Usethe Cycle Signal especially when
drying fabrics like polyester knits and
permanent press. Thesefabrics should
be removed so wrinkles won't set in.
Automatic Cycle Signal tonsomemodels)
Atthe end of each cgcle,there is A reminder signalwill sound periodicallu
approximately 15 minutes of no-heat during this time to remind you to remove
tumbling after the laundry isdry. the laundry.
Drum Lamp (onsomemodels)
Beforereplacing the light bulb,be sureto
unplug the dryer power cord or disconnect
the dryer at the household distribution panel
bg removing the fuse or switching offthe
circuit breake_Reachabove dryer opening
from insidethe drum. Removethe bulb and
replacewith the same sizebulb.
Drying Rack (onsomemodels)
A handg drying rack mag be usedfor drying
delicate items such aswashable sweaters.
Hook the rack over the lint filter so the rack
extends into the dryer drum.
The drying rock must be used with the
Do not use this drying rack when there
are other clothes in the dryer.
Stainless Steel Drum (onsomemodels)
The stainlesssteel usedto make the dryer
drum provides the highest reliabilitgavailable
in a GEdrye_ If the dryer drum shouldbe
scratched or dented during normal use,
the drum will not rust or corrode. These
surface blemisheswill not affect the function
or durabilitg of the drum.