Time Cooking, or cooking your food according to a pre-
determined amount of time, is probably familiar to you from
conventional cooking, With your microwave oven, however,
you presetthe time andthe oventurns off automatically.
Follow the cooking steps below to
help you learn !O Time Cook
‘ ---- ‘
Step 1: Fill a cup % full of water
and 1 teaspoonof freezedried cof-
fee, Use a cup that has no metal
decoration. Place cup in cwenand
close door.
Step 2: Touch TIME CJXIK, The
r~ad=out panel shows :0 and
Power 10,
“Enter Cook Time”
Step 5: When time is up, oven
sounds, Display flashes “END”,
Oven,light, and fan shut off,
Step 3: Select your time, Touch 1,
2, and Ofor a minute and 20 sec-
onds. “Cook Time”, Power10,and
1:20 appear on the display, If an-
other PowerLevelis desiredtouch
PC)WERLEVELand the number al-
though Power Level 10 (HIGH] is
preferred for this cup of coffee,
$MQP4: Touch START,“CCKMTime
Left’”, Power10,and time counting
down show cmdisplay,
C). I set myoven for the time called
for in the reeipa but at the end of
the time allowed, my dish wasn’t
what happerled?
A, $$inm }ICOUSOpowm’ varies due
to time or Icmntian, many Titne
Cook recipes give you a timerange
to prevent overcooking. Set the
oven for minimum time, test the
food for doneness, and cook your
dish a little longer, if necessary.
Q. i want to cook’ my dish cm a
PowerLevelother than HIGH,what
do I needto do?
A. To change the Power Level,
touch the POWER LEVEL. pad,
“Enter Power” flashes cmthe dis-
play panel, Enter the desired
Q. C;IrI I il]terrupt tny Tirrw Cook
function to check th~food?
A. ‘fes. To resumecooking, simply
close the door and touch START.
NOTE: Microwave power will not
come on until you are ready, YOU
must touch START for cooking to
Q. I touched the number pads and
selected my power level, When I
touched START,however,myoven
didn’t come on. Why not?
A, The TIME CC)OKpad must be
touched before settingthe number
P~d~or else your oven
will not bf+
gm cooking,