chapter 5_________________________________________________________________ 51
The Menu System
Changing the Disc Menu Language
Use the Disc Menu option to select the language you want a DVD’s disc menu to be displayed in
(not the same as the player menu).
1. With no disc playing, press SETUP (the main menu appears).
2. Use the down arrow to highlight Preferences (the Preferences menu appears).
3. Highlight the Disc Menu option. A list of languages appears on the right.
4. Use the right arrow to move to the language choices. Use the up/down arrows to highlight the
desired choice.
5. Press PLAY/OK to select the choice.
• If you select the Other option, a screen will appear that requires you to enter a code for the
language you want. Refer to the Other Language List on page 52 for the appropriate code.
Type in the appropriate code and press PLAY/OK.
Note: The Other language option may not work if the disc you are playing was not authored with
that language.
6. Press the left arrow to return to the Preferences options.
Setting the Rating Limit
The Parental feature is a rating limit system, like movie ratings. It works with DVD discs that have
been assigned a rating. This helps you control the types of DVDs that your family watches.
This option lets you determine how your player will react to discs that contain movies that are rated
(in the U.S.A., the Motion Pictures Association of America rates movies as G, PG, PG-13, etc.).
You decide which ratings require a password and which ones don’t. This system ranks the ratings 1
through 8 in order to accommodate different countries’ ratings systems (1 is considered a movie
title with the least offensive material).
In order for the Rating level feature to work, the disc must be encoded with rating information and
1. G
3. PG
4. PG-13
6. R
7. NC-17
the Password Mode must be turned on.
1. With no disc playing, press SETUP (the main menu appears).
2. Use the down arrow to highlight Preferences (the Preferences menu
3. Highlight the Ratings option. The ratings list appears on the right.
4. Use the right arrow to move to the rating options. Use the up/down
arrows to highlight the desired rating.
5. Press PLAY/OK to select the option.
6. Press the left arrow to return to the Preferences options.
The Preferences Menu with the Subtitle
option selected.