Millenium™ RO System by GE Osmonics
14693e - 31 Mar 03 4- 8 Routine Maintenance
1. Prior to performing this maintenance on any tube fitting, release any pressure on
the tubing system (i.e., turn off the pump, open a drain port, etc.).
2. Remove the red locking clip (if applicable).
3. Push the dark gray collar in towards the body of fitting (light gray). This releases
the ‘gripper’ which holds the tubing in place.
4. Hold the gray collar in while gently pulling the tube away from the fitting. It may
be helpful to wiggle the tube side-to-side slightly while pulling.
5. Remove the gripper collar by pulling straight out. Reach into the opening with a
small, blunt (non-scratching) probe and remove the O-ring. (Inspect the collar to
insure that all grippers are intact.)
6. Rinse the O-ring with warm running water to remove any dirt, debris, or crusty
concentrate and set aside to dry on a clean paper towel.
7. Clean the inside of the fitting with a wet cotton swab or paper towel to remove
any dirt or debris. Be sure not to leave any cotton fibers from the swab or towel
inside the fitting.
8. Lubricate the O-ring sparingly with silicone O-ring lubricant and place the O-ring
back inside the fitting.
9. Replace the gripper collar.
10. With a sharp utility knife, cut off approximately ½” to 1” of the tube. Carefully
cut the tube as square (perpendicular to the length) as possible. Inspect remaining
tubing for marks/scratches and replace/repair as necessary.
11. Place the tube in the fitting opening and push firmly until the tube seats fully in
the socket (completely ‘bottomed out’).
12. Pull back on the tubing to seat the grippers, and re-install the locking clip (if
applicable) between the light gray body of the fitting and the dark gray collar (flat
side towards the body).
13. Re-pressurize the system (if applicable) and inspect for leaks.
14. If the leak is not resolved, start over or simply replace the entire tube fitting or