Is yourwaterhard?If it is, and
washersurfaces. ‘rhehardness
if youuse a carbonatetypenon--
of yourwaterand yourwashing
mostprobablynoticelimestone* rapidlythe limestonewillbuild
or moregrains)andifyouwash
just a fewloadsa week, youmay
see limestonebuildupsinjust a few
depositson yourclothesand
up. If your water isVERY HARD
Effwb on Clothes
more rapidlyon cotton, it will
eventuallyaffect variousfabricsin
the followingways:
@Givesa stiff, harsh, rough feelto
fabricssuch as toweling.
~Causes colors to fade andbecome
dull and dingy.
@Causesgraying of fabrics.
~Leavesa white, powderyresidue
on dark-colored items.
~Causes spot-fadingof bright
colors as a result of direct contact
with detergent.
@Reduces wrinkle-resistanceof
permanent press fabrics.
~ Destroyseffectivenessof flame-
retardant finishes on cottonssuch
as children’ssleepwear.
@Increases fabric wear because
of the scrubbing action between
limestonedeposits on the fabrics
during washer agitation.
Efiwk on Wmher
@Unsightly buildup on all washer
surfaces exposed to the wash
@Mat-like,crusty formationscaused
by lint adhering to the sticky
limestone deposits.
QIncreased service calls because
of limestone deposits in the pump,
recirculation water hoses, illte~s
~nd other washer parts.
o Reduced usefilllife of washe;.
Rwomended me&@ b
duu bane bufldup
@Use a powderedphosphate
detergentor a liquiddetergentif
these are availablein your area.
~Installa home watersofiener.
This will significantlyreduce
@Use a packagednon-precipitating
water softener,suchas Calgon
brand with phosphate.
w m@ pmdie~
my deby h@ne ti~e
b cloti~
The followingrecommendations
will temporarily delaythe effects
of ~imestoneon yourclothes.
These are generally good washing
practices and will give better soil
removalwhether or not you have
hard water or use carbonate
~ Use hotter wash water, for
example up to 150°F.for cottons.
This also improvesoily-soil
QIf you wash in cooler water to
saveenergy, use more detergent to
promote better washing. AISObe
sure to use bleach on bleachable
fabrics. Use hot water whenever
@Add detergent and allow washer
to fill and agitate for three or four
minutes to dissolve detergent
before adding clothes.
@Increase amount of detergent.
See g~ide on opposite page for
recomrne~ldeddetergent amounts
in relation to water hardness.
~kcrease useofbleaches,presoaks,
pacbg~ water conditioners,prewash
soil and stain removersto help in
removingstubborn soilsand stains.
@Use greater care in sorting loads.
Washvery dirty loads separately
and increase detergentto help keep
dirt from redepositingon less
soiled items. Washdelicate items
separately to preventdamage from
heavy,sturdy clothes.
~ Washsmaller loads to increase
cleaning action of washer.
~ Use fabric softenerto counteract
stiffness or harshness in clothes.
How to partial~yrestore clothes =
Once clothes havedeveloped
deposits, they may be partially
restored by soakingin a solution
of two cups of vinegar in one gallon
of hot tap water for 15minutes.
Then wash clothes in the washer=
using detergent.
@Do not use vinegar soak
solution in washer. The acidic
action of the vinegar may
damage the porcelain.
@Vinegar soak solution may
reduce the wrin~e-resistance
of permanent press fabrics.
QVinegar soak may damage
the dyes in some fabrics.
‘~Ll;!J~s-~O~ti~-~eCllniC~ll)/calledCALCIUM CAR!30NATE-is caused bythe
\ /;
reaction P’ ihe catcium in the hardv~ater~~fiththe sodium carbonate in the detergent.