Ene~y-Sating Tips
If your clothes and household items
don’t look clean and fresh after
washing, you will probably re-wash
them ...and that means you’llwaste
energy. l?emember to sort your
clothes carefi.dly,and load them
properly, select correct cycles, use
enough detergent and choose a
water temperature warm enough to
release and get rid of soil.
● Use Hot Wash—upto 150°F.—on
a regular basis only when washing
heavily soiled articles-such as
work and play clothes.
● Under normal soil conditions,
wash in water above 80°F. (Z7”C.).
This generally means using the
WarmWash temperature setting
on your washer—temperatures
approximately 90° to llO°F.or
hand comfortable. If you notice
that soil has accumulated after
several consecutive washings, use
,,= Hot Washoccasionally, if safe
for fabrics.
● Try to wash less often. Save
articles of the same type of fabric
until you havea full load.
● If you must wash smaller loads,
adjust the amount of water. Small
loads should havelowerwaterlevels.
● Washin off-peak utility hours.
Yourlocal utility can tell you which
are the off-peak hours.
● Use Normal Spin Speedto remove
more water and help lessen drying
time. The dryer will remove any
wrinklescaused @ the Normal Spin.
● Use your Mini-Basket~ tub for
very small loads. It uses less water
than the small water level in the big
tub on this washer. Youwill also
saveon detergent and energy.