Special Features
5 ecial
.[eatures q[
}bur new touch pad cot_trol has additiot_al fi_atu**,s
that you may choose to use.
They remain ill tile control's memory until
the steps are repeated. When the display shows
your choice, press the START pad. The special
features will remain in memory Mter a power
fifilure, except fiw tile Sabbath ibature, which *_ill
have to be reset.
Tile special tbatm'e modes can only be activated
while tile displa} is showing tile time of da_ clock,
Tile follo,_ing are tile features and ho*_ }ou
ma) actixate them.
7bnes at
the end q/ a
timed ucle
At the end g_]a timed o'ch; 3 short beeps will
sound Jblh_wed by one be@ every 6 secon& until
the CLI_2AR/OFF pad is pre._.s,¢d.This _ontinuous
6-s_ond beep m(O' be (an_e#d. 7b cancel the
6-s*¢cond ba'/):
Press tile BAKE and BROIL HIGH/LOW
pads (on double oven models, use tile upper
oven controls) at the same time tin" 3 seconds
tmtil the display shows "SF,"
Press tile TIMER ON/OFF pad. Tile display
shows "CON BEEP" (continuous beep). Press
the TIMER ON/OFF pad again. The display
shows "BEER" (This cancels the one beep
every 6 seconds.)
3 Press tile START pad.
NOTE: On double oven models, this cancels the
end-(*/:O_ le tone fin" both oven,s.
77_i,sfiCatureallowsyou toac(iu,st#w tonevolumes to a
1 Press tile BAKE and BROIL HIGH/LOW pads
(on double oven models, use tile upper oven
controls) at the same time fi)r 3 seconds, tmtil
the display sho_vs "SE"
2 Press tile oven fight on/off pad. Tile displa) will
show "2 BEER" This is the middle xohune lexel.
Press tile oven fight on/off pad again. Tile
displa) will show "3 BEER" This is the loudest
_,ohllne lexel.
Press tile oven fight on/off pad again. Tile
display will show "1 BEER" This is the quietest
•_ohlule lexel.
For each time tile lexel is changed, a tone will
so/md to proxide an indication of tile xolume
3 Press tile START pad to actixate tile lexel
NO_I_Z: On double oven too(Iris, this activates this
Special fi,,attovfin" both _roen,s.