Modular Paralleling System
MPSG 350
System Description
The Generac control system consists of the Power Manager™
System Controller (PM-SC) or the Power Manager Integrated
Controller ()PM-IC) along with the Power Manager Generator
Controller (PM-GC). For single transfer switch installations with
the Generac Transfer Switch, the PM-IC is integral with the
transfer switch. For multiple transfer switch installations, the
PM-SC interfaces with the PM-GC to provide start/stop
commands based on utility power, proportional load sharing
and safe paralleling of each individual genset to the main bus or
transfer switch. Each individual genset has a built in heavy duty
switch to complete the paralleling operation. This switch and
it's control system replace the high cost switchgear and motor
operated circuit breakers associated with standard paralleling
System Components
Power Manager Generator Controller (PM-GC)
This control is installed on the generator set and monitors
all the engine parameters, including oil pressure, coolant
temperature, overspeed, kW and power factor.
It also controls the governor, voltage regulator and
the synchronizing connection to the bus.
Paralleling Switch
Installed in the generator set connection box
Heavy duty 3 pole solenoid actuated, mechanically
held, with emergency trip to off position
Rated at 400 amps and 1000 amps continuous
35,000 and 42,000 amps interrupting capacity
Built in arc suppression
Power Manager System Control (PM-SC)
Up to 3 primary transfer switches with up to 6 individual
steps for load sequencing, application or shedding with
assignable kW values for each step in addition to the
critical load ATS.
Unlimited number of secondary slave switches
The PM-SC is in an enclosure separate from the transfer
Power Manager Integrated Control (PM-IC)
Integrated Control (IC) is installed in the same enclosure
as the single Generac Transfer Switch
Features: PM-IC & PM-SC
Programmable and viewable via Genlink
Provides up to 3 load shed contacts
Failsafe protective functions for reverse
power and synchronous paralleling control.
`` Exercise controller
Backup battery
RS232 for Modem connection
RS485 Data Highway
Transfer Switch (PM- IC System )
1000 amp,1600 amp, 2600 amp (UL)3200 Amp (non UL)
For smaller switch ratings use the PM-SC control
42,000 AIC – 1000 Amp, 65,000 AIC – 1600 Amp,
85,000 AIC – 2600 - 3200 Amp
NEMA 12/3R enclosure
66"H x 36"W x 30" D – 1000 Amp
78"H x 48"W x 24" D – 1600 Amp
80” H x 48” W x 48” D – 2600 –3200 Amp
Wire access – top, side, bottom
NEMA 3R or 4X Optional
Wt. 1250 lbs. –1000-1600 Amp. 1850 lbs. 2600-3200 Amp
Connection Cabinet ( Optional )
NEMA 12/3R
80” H x 48” W x 48” D
Lug capacity –16 for Generator Controller (GC), 12 for
ATS. Each lug accepts (4) #4 to 750 MCM ( see Dwg. OD4482)
Floor mounting
Aluminum or Copper Wire compatible – 4500 amp bus
Sequence of Operations
1. The PM-IC or a transfer switch in the PM-SC configuration
detects a Utility failure and issues a start command. In the
PM-IC, the command goes direct to each PM-GC and with
multiple transfer switches the command goes to the PM-SC
which then issues a start command to the PM-GC's
2. Each Generator will start on its own.
3. The first generator that attains rated frequency and voltage
is connected to the main bus or transfer switch terminals via
the paralleling switch n the individual genset.
4. The remaining generators will synchronize with the bus and
the respective paralleling switch will close into the bus.
5. When all the gensets are paralleled to the main bus, the
System or Integrated Controller will signal the transfer switch
to transfer to the load. If multiple transfer switches are
installed, the PM-SC will connect these switches in 3
separate programmed steps.
6. If a NFPA requirement for 10 second start exists, the first
unit connects to the bus. This causes the controller in a
separate emergency transfer switch to immediately transfer
to the NFPA load.
7. If a single generator fails, load shed contacts are available to
disconnect selected non critical loads.
8. If load conditions are reduced, (night time operation)
selected generators can be programmed off line.
9. When Utility supply returns, the PM-SC or PM-IC will issue
commands to transfer loads back to the Utility. If then issues
commands to the individual PM-GC’s to disconnect from the
bus. Each PM-GC will operate its generator for the cool-
down period and then issue a shutdown command.
System Configuration
Any KW configuration that equals the required load kW
can be used. The following page details a common
engine configuration and the most economical
configuration utilizing the MG150, MG200. But,
depending on load parameters any number of units up to
10 can be paralleled together.
Additional units and transfer switches can easily be added
at a later date.
MPSG 350
: See Generac Power Systems "
" for specific definitions and application guidelines of the Standby Power, Prime Power and Continuous Power
Ratings. Prime Power is not available at this time for MPS units.